My Projects

Below is a collection of some of the projects I have worked on both professionally and personally. The projects demonstrate my creativity, knowledge and skills in the areas of 3D design, electronic design, circuit design, PCB layout and manufacture and they also demonstrate my passion and enthusiasm for anything electronic and electromechanical.

Bidirectional Thermoelectric Module Driver Control System

My combined controls systems and embedded systems design project. A bidirectional controller to driver a thermoelectric module (TEM) from 0° C to 80° C based on a setpoint temperature.

Wrist Voice Recorder

Check out my personal voice recorder project in the style of a futuristic looking watch. Record and play back single messages with single button activation.

Anthropomorphic Robot Manipulator with Gripper Claw and 4 DOF

The aim of this project was to design and build a sophisticated anthropomorphic robot manipulator that is capable of high-torgue, high-speed and high-precision that approaches industrial level performance. The goal of this project was to use the robot manipulator to move/swap two different objects with with high-speed, accuracy and repeatablity.

50.2V Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery and BMS Build

Designed and built a 51.2V LiFePO4 battery for the electric buggy. The battery consists of 48 individual cells in a 3P16S configuration giving it a 75 AH capacity and capability of discharging safely at a rate of 300 A.

15 KW Electric Buggy

This project started out as a small electric vehicle project but ended up turning into something much bigger. It is powered by a Motenergy ME-0708 motor, which is modeled after the infamous Etek motor by Briggs & Stratton, and controlled by an ALLTRAX AXE2444 motor controller.

PIC Development Board

I am a big Microchip PIC fan so I designed a simple development board around one of my favorite PICs, the PIC16F1778.

Motor Controller

I love building electric vehicles but high voltage, high current DC motor controllers are not cheap so I decided to design and build my own and learned a lot in the process.

MOSFET Stress Testing Jig

In order to accurately evaluate the performance of parallel MOSFETs or IGBTs, I built a stress testing jig.

MP3 Player

Checkout a completely self-contained MP3 player using the DFPlayer mini MP3 player module. This DFPlayer module is available for less than $5!

Push Button Breakout Board

This push button breakout board provides an easy way to add 4 tactile switches to any breadboard project.

Plastic Enclosure Box With Protoboard

This project enclosure features a designed-to-fit high quality PCB protoboard with an ENIG finish, coupled with a high quality ABS enclosure. The PCB is provisioned with a cutout to make room for a 9 volt battery or small lithium-ion cells.

4-Output Adjustable Voltage Regulator Board

This board features four LM317 linear voltage regulators that are independently adjustable, via the four trim pots on the board, from 1.25 to 24V for Vin = 26V or Vout = 1.25 to (Vin - 2)V DC.

TTL To RS232 Converter

My first PCB and product that I designed and manufactured from many years ago. The TTL To RS232 Converter allows a microcontroller using TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) to communicate with a PC using a standard serial cable and the RS232 serial COM port.

Power Supply

I think at some point anyone that is into electronics builds their own power supply. So this is the beginning of my power supply build.

Bluetooth Speaker

Checkout this quick little Bluetooth speaker project. It was built using the salvaged electronics from a cheap pair of Bluetooth headphones.

Knight Rider

A remote controlled Knight Rider music player with loudspeaker for a car for my friend who is a diehard Knight Rider fan. The device an remotely play Knight Rider sounds via a remote.

BG Systems JFx Joystick

Driving home one day I came across a pile of old computer equipment that was placed on the side of the road for trash pickup. One find was a BG Systems Flybox that contained one of their JFx joysticks which retails for over $2500!

Electronics Lab Setup

Take a tour of my electronics lab setup including oscilloscopes, power supplies, soldering equipment, waveform generator, multimeters, microscope, 3D printer, tools, components and storage.

NRF24L01 Wireless Transceiver

The infamous NRF24L01 2.4GHz wireless transceiver. I decided to figure this one out on my own and wrote an interface driver using a PIC16F1778.

Temperature Controller

My friend, who was living the van life, had a solar setup in his vehicle and needed a way to maintain the temperature of his batteries in the winter to ensure they were at a safe temperature to take a charge so I came up with a temperature controller to automatically turn on/off a heater based on the temperature of the batteries.

Dual-Axis Solar Panel Tracker

Design of a dual-axis solar panel tracker.